Born in Sweden, Michael Wicander lives in Franfurt/Main, Germany. Since the turn of the millennium, the passionate panoramic photographer is working intensively on the high-resolution Skyline Photography. His website Skyline Frankfurt shows the most  impressive Cityscape of Europe with many beautiful blue hour panoramas.


Since the year 2000 he has taken a significant amount of panorama photos not only in Frankfurt but also in other cities  from New York to Paris, London, Frankfurt, Dubai, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Singapore and Sydney - breathtaking, extremely detailed panoramas - partly with a view angle of 360 degrees.

The panorama production is quite time consuming, because the panoramas are made from up to 30 individual photos, which are assembled with great care and a lot of patience to a complete panorama. Since mid 2011 the individual photographs have a medium format resolution from 40 to 100 megapixels and a raw image file size 400 megabytes; a complete skyline consists of a much larger, overwhelming amount of data.

Michael Wicanders photographs have been exhibited several times, including on the "Night of Museums", or in different banks and law firms in Frankfurt/Main. 



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For Skyline Frankfurt Panorama photos please visit skyline-frankfurt.com.


My passion is to capture the actual look of the major skylines from as many as possible directions. In the past 20 years thousands of photos in panoramic, standard, horizontal or vertical format have been shot. My goal is to make aesthetic photos of the Frankfurt Skyline, other skylines and landscapes worldwide.


Copyright and use of this website:


The images are saved in JPEG file format and provided with a digital watermark. They are intended for viewing and selection. The use of the photos for any kind of use require our approval. Private or Commercial usage is not permitted.


© Copyright 2000 - 2024 Michael Wicander.


All rights reserved.


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